I can very vaguely remember him appearing on TV screens in the mid-80's, but as stated, he didn't stick around for that long.Believe it or not, I found his oddball comic routine on Bob Monkhouse's show quite amusing, not especially for the obvious,routine jokes themselves, but his style and presentation, though it was a modus operandi that soon began to wear thin, and he became increasingly unreliable to producers due to an apparent drink problem which seriously began to affect his performances, being dropped from the series stated and an advertising deal with Smiths Square Crisps (being replaced in the latter by Lenny Henry). A later performance of a recently released single on Pebble Mill at One in 1986 to relaunch his declining TV career was not a success, as he appeared to have aged alarmingly and looked poorly throughout. It was his last known TV appearance, as he went back to performing in clubs,at home and abroad,and passed away in 2007 aged 59.

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Thanks for pointing out the Pebble Mill clip, Jonathan. Hadn't seen that before - another curious addition to his television career and an equally intriguing end to it.

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According to Wikipedia his career stretched back to the 1970s, so this is his act after ten years of experience

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I don't remember this guy, and seeing as his act is so unique, you'd definitely remember. Thanks for sharing (slither)

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